
  Medicine May 17, 2020 Hello. This is Raveena Reddy. I'm a medicine intern and I'm here to share my daily experiences here as a part of my internship completion. Today's case :  A 45 year old male came to opd with chief complaints of decreased appetite since 1 month and loose stools since 20 days HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then developed decreased appetite , Increased chest discomfort immediately on taking food , gradually progressed Loose stools since 20 days watery consistency, normal colour  4 episodes per day not blood stained patient. but, now complains of blood stained stools 1 episode per day normal consistency since 2 days after using medication  Patient complains of generalized weakness and not able to do daily activities  Belching present  No h/o fever, vomitings, pain abdomen,chestpain,cough ,sob. Past history:  K/c/o HIV since 9 years On regular medication TLE regimen CD4+ count= 500cells/ on 4-07-